
offgridsystems avatar image
offgridsystems asked

I cannot use Remote Console with EE Router

Hi Guys. I have tried to search the forum on this but no luck, so asking if anyone has had experience of this problem.

I have this week used an EE USB router on an installation to enable me to keep a check on it and save return visits. It all works, but I am unable to access remote console.

Then yesterday I visit another customer who changed to EE for his main house router a year ago and he has not been able to access remote console since them.

So just checking around other accounts, the systems that are using EE are unable to use remote console.

In the past, I have used the EE mini routers on a USB and they worked fine with remote console. Now it seems something has changed.

Does anyone have any way around this problem please??

All other functions are fine, just the Remote Console.

Thanks Chris

remote console
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6 Answers
Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·


Stating the obious but just checking you have 'Enable on VRM' turned on?

Are you trying to access the remote console locally though VRM or VE.Connect or remotly though VRM?


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offgridsystems avatar image offgridsystems commented ·
Thanks Jason.. Yes, this is switched on. Its a favourite one to forget ;)
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vward avatar image
vward answered ·

EE have a forum, you might ask there? And is it their mobile network or their Fibre? Their Mobile network has lots of odd stuff disabled, like VOIP.

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offgridsystems avatar image offgridsystems commented ·
Thanks Vward. I'll check that one out. Its odd that remote console has stopped working on most EE connections
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iand avatar image
iand answered ·

If the router has a firewall, check the settings. When I installed my new router (NR5103E, EE SIM) VRM worked but the remote console didn't, when I checked in router settings the firewall was set to "enhanced security" or something similar. I turned this down to "reduced security" and remote console worked.

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monomatic avatar image
monomatic answered ·

I have the same trouble with an EE router (5gEE / Zyxel NR5103E) with GX connected to the router through wifi and ethernet cable.

There is no simple firewall control on this model router as mentioned above.

I am unable to access remote console and nodered through VRM (only through local network on venus.local), with all GX settings correct (remote support, etc).

Occasionally it is accessible through VRM, but most of the time not.

The issue is evident in the remote support IP being set to "0". During periods when RC is accessible through VRM, remote support IP is populated.

Any ideas what is occurring?

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

Maybe you need to set up Port Forwarding on the router (if that is possible)? ATM I see I have got ports 80 and 81 set up for this, in the past I remember some others being discussed here as well.

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atebee avatar image
atebee answered ·

Got numerous sites with Internet via EE 4G and not had any issues with VRM connectivity. No port forwarding etc required.

I'd suggest trying to connect the Cerbo via wifi hotspot on a phone using the SIM card that is in the router. That would rule in/out router or EE issues.

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