I have some problems with my MP II, 48 5000. Some day ago i noticed some problems while charging my battery from grid. The power fluctuated up and down every few seconds. Today i was playing to dbus-spy to check the status of some parameter and i discovered that the DC voltage read by the MP is a mess. It swings from 38 to 40 Volts when the battery don't get charged and when it raises again to 50V it get charged again. I verified with multimiter at the MP terminals and the reading it's almost correct.
Measured on the Lynx distrbutor it's correct as the bms and mppt report to the venus.
Both bms and mppt never show this change of voltage read from the MP. I have the feeling it started with v508 and i would like to downgrade to 506 but where to find it?
Before to send it to the dristributor i would like to reflash it and give another try.
Now i have no load on it, just grid in and the battery. The bms read 52.83 V, the MP read is 55.2 as the multimeter at the battery connection.