
upshot avatar image
upshot asked

Cerbo GX reboot

I would like to make my cerbo gx reboot on condition. Namely reboot when generator is running but AC input is 0 Watts. This will then resynch the cerbo with generator auto start. I need to do this because someone has used the start button override onsite which the electrician insisted on being fitted. Is this possible?

cerbo gxreboot
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4 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

You might check out @Kevin Windrem guimods or ExtTransferSwitch. One of these might work for you. He has made the digital input from the generator run signal to sync the running state of the generator with the generator status in Venus.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

GuiMods includes the enhanced generator logic.

It detects the generator is running/stopped either by way of the generator digital input (if programmed) or from the AC input if programmed as generator.

The change of generator is running state triggers a change to Manual Start state unless an auto run is active. If auto run is active and the generator is stopped externally, an "override" message is shown on the generator overview.

You need to enable the Link to external running state needs to be turned on in the generator setup for this to work.

If you have a transfer switch ahead of the Multi input, you should also look at ExtTransferSwitch.

When rebooted, I think the GX device will attempt to restart the generator if auto run conditions are met. If the start button override is an on/off switch, this may not solve your problem.

Hope that helps.

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upshot avatar image
upshot answered ·


Thanks for this I will give it a go and let you know.


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upshot avatar image
upshot answered ·


Thanks for pointing me to your guimods this is excellent. Do any of your mods allow for the gen start stop relay to be momentary as per the quattro relay.



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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

I have not made any changes to the way the relay functions. To do this would require separate start and stop relay outputs.

The generator relay function on the GX device only works as: run when closed / stop when open. In order to create pulses from transitions of the relay, you need to use "one-shot" relays on the output. I believe there are instructions of this in the Victron generator documentation.

I am not aware of any different functionality provided by Multi or Quattro inverter/chargers.

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