
xzv avatar image
xzv asked

mqtt{} not working as expected

I can successfully connect to both the local and MQTT brokers (90 is the one calculated by that 128'ish algorithm). I receive messages on different topics when I'm connected to the local broker but I have a problem with the remote one:

  • When connecting I see strange IDs of devices that I don't know. My device's ID is missing, however.
  • I couldn't see any messages I received locally. It seems to me like the local broker isn't connected to the Victron server.

My expectation is that I see the same messages both on the local and remote broker.

Any ideas what's wrong?

Local (= good)


Remote (= bad)


local.png (176.5 KiB)
remote.png (41.6 KiB)
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Moved to modifications space. MQTT experts are there.

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1 Answer
xzv avatar image
xzv answered ·

I found a way how to make it work after reading this answer:

You have to enable "VRM two-way communication", only then you can send the keepalive message via the remote MQTT broker.

Maybe someone can explain why the VRM online portal settings are closely related to the MQTT broker feature?

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