
garbanso avatar image
garbanso asked

blue smart IP65 12/15 charging lifepo4 with 0 amps

I have a lithium battery and Ito charge the battery with the blue smart IP65 12/15. It shows with absorption charging a current output 0.0Amps. What could be the reason and what can I do to charge the battery?

By the description of the charger I was assuming that it was able to reactivate a dead battery and is able to restart the BMS as well with low current.

At least that is what I read before buying the ip65 charger.

I am thankful for any hint!



battery charging
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

What brand battery? What condition caused the battery to shut down?

Have you tried connecting the charger to a known-good battery to ensure that the charger is itself functional?

Some battery brands have been known to require a specific procedure to reset their BMS; other brands require their own special charger; it's also possible the battery's BMS has faulted and cannot be recovered, or that the battery itself has suffered internal damage and the BMS will -correctly- not allow it to accept charging current.

There are a lot of variables here, so the more you can tell us about the system the better chance we have of offering advice!

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garbanso avatar image
garbanso answered ·

Thanks for your questions!

The battery is a basen green lifepo4 100ah.

It is discharged to 1,6V unfortunately. I guess that made the BMS shut down.

As the ip65 didn’t get it back to work I also tried to connect a AMG Battery shortly to the lifepo battery in the hope that this would maybe wake up the BMS and then the ip65 could take over to charge again. But that also didn’t work.

The BMS is a JBD-SP04S020 V1.1



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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
Unfortunately it sounds as though the battery is beyond recovery, if paralleling an AGM to it didn't work. You may wish to reach out to the battery manufacturer to see if there is any special procedure needed or if it is indeed beyond saving.
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garbanso avatar image garbanso Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

Ok, thanks!

That’s what I did already. Let’s see if they are getting back to me…

I’ll give an update here if so.

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