
kruger69 avatar image
kruger69 asked

Victron Quattro - Is it possible to only enable frequency shifting on one of the AC outputs.

Hi All,

I am wondering if it is possible to only have frequency shifting enables on one of the AC outputs of the Victron Quattro. For example on AC-Out-1 I have a PV array AC coupled through a Fronius Symo inverter. I would like the Quattro to be able to curtail the PV output, under certain scenarios, using frequency shift. If however I have another AC generator, micro Hydro Turbine, also AC coupled on the output side of the Quattro that I do not want to curtail is this possible Could I place the other AC generator on separate bus connected to AC-Out-2. I guess what I am asking is when frequency shifting does the Quattro raise the Frequency on both AC outputs or just one?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerfrequency
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1 Answer
Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@kruger69 in short, no. The Quattro can not see the difference between the AC-Out1 and the AC-Out2. Why dont you use the relay to switch the RRCR input to throttle the inverter? Thats what I do.

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kruger69 avatar image kruger69 commented ·
Thanks Jason, Were you able to do this using a Fronius Inverter?

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Jason - UK avatar image Jason - UK kruger69 commented ·

@kruger69 Sorry, no, a lot of inverters have the ability to accept RRCR inputs to control the inverter. You'll have to check the specific model info to see if this is an option. Others in thus forum with detailed experience with Fronius inverters might be able to advise better.

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