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jon-young asked

Multiplus 2 and Seplos Mason Fogstar Batteries

Good evening,

So I have a Multiplus 2 setup utilising ESS as my home storage solution with 6x Pylontech US3000C batteries which has been running flawlessly for 15 months. I recently had a heat pump installed and ditched gas.

Now I need to expand my battery storage solution. I have two options:

1. Buy more Pylontechs - Easy

2. Sell Pylontechs (State of health is showing at 98%) and replace with the Seplos Mason Battery boxes sold by Fogstar. I would initially buy two giving me 28.6kW of storage (25.6kW usable)

Has anyone done anything like this? To add another 7kW of pylons its going to cost around £2100 where was the Fogstars are £2400 for 14.4kW.

2 |3000

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