
damon-blumenstein avatar image
damon-blumenstein asked

Best device to charge a 24V LiFePO4 battery?

I have 24V powered tuggers in my plant and I am changing from Lead Acid to LiFePO4 24V battery banks. I would like to get a charger to plug them into overnight and I am not quite sure which Victron device would work best if any. I see Skylla, Phoenix and Centour but I am not quite sure those will work for the application I am looking at. The battery bank will be 24V 280AH using EVE cells and a JBD BMS. They will get charged at night and unplugged to run around the plant during the day. Eventually we will be adding an MPPT to charge via solar.

battery charging
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I would say it depends on how much charging current you want/need. How much time you have to charge the batteries?

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damon-blumenstein avatar image damon-blumenstein commented ·
The more the better.
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ damon-blumenstein commented ·
This is the sort of question that's best answered by your dealer. It really depends on how you're going to set things up, how you will integrate solar. Too many questions/answers for here.
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