
zwave avatar image
zwave asked

Multiplus II on grid with LiFePO4 in winter UPS mode with solar first NO feed back to the grid.

Hello, my system is in a non heated place and during winter below 0C / 32F. I was wondering my options to still get power from the solar panel to feed my appliances when the battery can not be charged because of the cold. Right now the multiplus get the power from the grid instead from the solar panel until the temperature go back up then the system can switch on the solar panels. That mean during December, January and february my solar panels are not getting much use. Wondering if I should switch back to lead acid battery or switch to sodium battery when available. I don't really want to have to heat the batteries to be able to use the system. Does anybody has a solution of a configuration inside the multiplus that would allow me to go around this? Thank you

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1 Answer
daza avatar image
daza answered ·

Yeah your not going to have much luck without keeping LFP batteries temp up without heating it in your case, I was in a similar situation and built a box for it see here

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