
rajko avatar image
rajko asked

Eesysolar remote configure/disable ac backup

Dear All,

I have the following situation. On the location far away from me, i have installed Victron Easysolar 24/1600 with 810 Wp PV modules, 2 x Victron Gel battery 165 Ah and Venus GX communication.

Since on the system AC power is available as well, i have set it to work as a backup with following configuration:

-ignore AC input

-do not ignore AC input, when battery SOC is below 40%

On the first day, system was working autonomously

Second day, battery voltage was going up, but inverter was reading SOC as going down and started AC source. Since then, it is working purely on AC supply and is ignoring PV modules. My main question is:

How can i configure it remotely to use AC only as a backup and not as a primary source?

I also want to point out that i did not install VE direct cable, as there was no clear instructions i need it, Venus is connected to easysolar only via ethernet cable.



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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Rajko

The cable is needed, otherwise the Venus doesn't know the system is being charged by the MPPT, and only counts what is used by the inverter, thus SOC going down.

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rajko avatar image rajko commented ·

Dear Daniël,

Thank you for your reply. It makes sense now, just that i was not aware of that before. Can you reply to my main question, can i disable ac charging remotely?

As a side question, are there plans to connect communication between the charger and inverter internally? It would be much easier without needing extra cable.



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