
Antony Barker avatar image
Antony Barker asked

Multiplus II 48/3000 Overload L1: Warning

Hi all. First post from me, any help greatly appreciated.

I have a Multiplus II 48/3000 fitted with 6KW batteries with BMS, grid connected setup. I am on a variable electricity rate (Octopus Agile) and charge and discharge to make best use of the battery storage, typically discharging between 4 and 7pm.

Since September, I have started getting Overload L1: Warnings whenever any large loads are on in my house (such as oven or dishwasher), when the batteries are discharging. The alarms typically last for 20-25 seconds, then reset. The first time it happened was when we had a power cut to the house, and as my grid code settings are G99 for here in the UK, the Multiplus shutdown correctly as it should (no UPS function). Since then, whenever any large load is on being fed by the Multiplus, I get these alarms. I have tried limiting the inverter output to see when the alarms stopped, and I have to reduce the output to 2000W for this to happen.

Previous to this I just let the Multiplus run, and it would feed the loads in my house up to 3000VA, and then take any extra from the grid automatically. I don't understand why the Multiplus is allowing itself to overload, as it did not do this previously.

Has anyone seen this issue before? I am wondering if the grid fault power outage did some damage to my Multiplus, and it is now causing issues. I have tied all sorts to fix, but to no avail. Not only that, but I can't even disable the alarms!

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1 Answer
Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered · I wouldnt worry about it. I get the Overload warnings all the time with my 5kVa Multiplis II GX in my grid connected ESS. Its just a warning to let you know the inverter can not meet the loads, but with a grid connected ESS system, it will just take the shortfall from the grid.

The other factor is if you have a 2kw load the unit can initally supply, but the longer you use the unit for, the greater the internal temperature of the unit, the more the unit will start to throttle back therefore an overload alarm will appear on a lower load. I've set my overload alarms to 'Alarm Only' so I dont get emails several times an evening when my better half is cooking dinner.


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Antony Barker avatar image Antony Barker commented ·
Hi Jason

Thanks for the help, makes sense. I have switched the notification to alarm only, so should be good now. Good to hear it is not an issue, and will see how it goes.

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