
karavanlife avatar image
karavanlife asked

Orion TR Smart 12 12 30 Charge Problem

Hello. I have a strange problem with my Orion DC-Dc charger. 10 seconds after starting the engine, the Lifepo4 battery goes from 13.20V to 14.22V and the battery percentage goes from 87% to 100% and Orion stops charging. 10-20 minutes after turning off the engine, it returns to the initial voltage, but the battery remains at 100%. As a result, I never use Orion. My solar charger and orion are connected to the lynx distributor. I have no problems with my solar charger. I would be happy if you

orion-tr smart
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Please post screen shots of the battery settings in the Orion and MPPT.

Also where are the battery % and voltage values coming from. Is there a shunt or BMV in the system?

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2 Answers
karavanlife avatar image
karavanlife answered ·

I only use shunt in my system.

My alternator is a normal alternator and it never drops below 13.83V.




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img-4541.png (158.9 KiB)
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karavanlife avatar image
karavanlife answered ·
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