
zcashio avatar image
zcashio asked

SmartSolar MPPT 150/70-TR NO LEDs

Hi, I’m having an issue with the solar controller. It has power, judging from the meter showing me 13.75V on the adjustment screws but I do not have any LEDs appearing. I had the PV wires connected as well and had no luck. So I disconnected the PV wires and then eventually disconnected the battery wires hoping to “reset” the controller to no avail. It also isn’t appearing on the app. I’ve had one not appear on an app before and had to leave it disconnected for a while then it came on the app eventually. This is my first time using the 150/70, have used the “smaller” controllers from VE before. Any opinions? Thanks

MPPT SmartSolar
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zcashio avatar image zcashio commented ·
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Are the positive/negative reversed? If not, sounds like a faulty unit or fuse, if it has one.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Barring an out of the box faliure, which I have never heard of....

Usually when connected to the battery and there are no LEDs (and there is voltage with no pv attached) that means it was reverse polarity on the battery. So measured voltage does not mean a thing -check polarity as well. This is the reason why the first step is connect battery only for the first power up. It happens, and it is ok and the charge controller will not be damaged if there is no live PV to it.

If you then switched on the PV as well it may be damaged now.

Obviously it won't appear on the app if it is not powered up.

So check battery polarity, if it is correct, then you will have to return the charge controller.

The second thing you can try is disconnect the battery and (with correct polarity) connect only the PV, it can power up that way as well.

You can draw your own conclusions after that.

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zcashio avatar image zcashio commented ·

Thanks for the response. Yes it it correct polarity, as the rest of the system is working properly: inverter, batteries, lights, pump, all working as should with the correct polarity. The first step was battery only as it has always been battery only with the other Victron charge controllers I have used in the past. And I’ll add, the PV has a breaker before entering into the MPPT, which breaker was off because 1- I had no need for it at the time of initializing and 2- I was under an awning where the trailer is parked and it was later at night so I obviously knew there was no point to see “how much I can pull” from the panels at the time. I tried eventually to just have PV connected as well. Still morning. But I will keep trying and if nothing give Victron a call. All my other charge controllers usually come with a manual as well, this one did not. Did they stop giving manuals or I’m wondering if this was a return that was not listed as a return. I’ll keep trying. Thanks again

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