Hi All,
I am considering the following system topology with an AC coupled 25 kW PV array on AC-Out-1. I am new to the Quattro so bear with me. Under the scenario where both the grid and the diesel generator are disconnected i.e. there is no voltage present on either AC-In-1 or AC-In-2. In this scenario the Quattro will obviously be in Inverter mode and will be acting as the “grid forming entity”. My question is can the batteries still receive charge from the AC coupled PV when the Quattro is in inverter mode (i.e. forming the grid)? Or will PV simply supply the load and if there is excess - over and above what the load consumes - the Quattro will simply use frequency shifting to curtail the PV (will be using Fronius Symo Inverter).
In short, I guess what I’m asking is will it be possible to charge the batteries – assuming they are below max SOC - from the AC coupled PV when the Quattro is in inverter mode and there is no grid or generator connection on the AC side? I’m sorry if this is obvious but it’s the one thing I can’t quite get my head around…. It’s unclear to me whether or not the Quattro allows charging of the batteries from the AC output when in Inverter mode, or whether it simply curtails any excess generation on the output side.