
sealutt avatar image
sealutt asked

Victron Orion cycling on and off

I have just installed a victron Orion in my boat with a Yamaha 225 saltwater series outboard, the charger turns on and goes straight up to 25-30amps but then turns off. it does this continuously and doesnt stay on for long enough to charge the battery

orion-tr smart
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Please post screen shots of the battery settings, engine shut down settings.

Which Orion?

What's the alternator output? Is it a 'smart' alternator?

What battery are you charging?

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sealutt avatar image sealutt kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
It’s the Orion 12/30 isolated

The alternator is a stator from an outboard engine and outputs about 25 - 35 amps

I’m charging a 200ah lifepo4 (lithium)

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4 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

It's not cutting out. Just the charge rate is varying, probably due to other loads on the alternator or engine speed changing.

If the alternator really is that low power, there's a good risk of it burning out with a 30A Orion. Rule of thumb is the alternator rating should be twice the total sustained load to prevent overheating.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Take a look at this video. The solution isn't for you, but it does show the dangers.

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s1277 avatar image
s1277 answered ·

have you double checked the wiring to batteries in and out?

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sealutt avatar image
sealutt answered ·



a3bbdd49-78f5-4512-aa61-a9ce150bddb1.pngImage Caption9808b151-f474-4c18-af01-f288edc84fd6.png

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