
andre67 avatar image
andre67 asked

how to force the ESS to charge the battery from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m ?

Hello everyone, as I am waiting for the Dynamic ESS release, I would like to optimize the use of my ESS (MultiPlus II-48/3000 + 2 PylonTech US5000 batteries + 3 kWp PV-AC + 1.5 kWp PV-DC) for self-consumption ( no resale to grid provider). I am therefore trying to know how to configure the ESS, to CHARGE the battery to 100% in the reduced rate hours : how to FORCE the battery to be charged between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.? THANKS

ess settings
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


In the ESS manual. See Scheduled Charge.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You can use an ESS schedule and set the required SOC to 100%.

Alternatively, you can use node red and create a flow that switches the mode to "keep charged" at a specific time and changes it back at 100% SOC or at a fixed time.

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andre67 avatar image andre67 commented ·
That would be great ; do you have the nod-red code ?

Thanks a lot

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Craig Robinson avatar image
Craig Robinson answered ·

use the the schedule charge you have 5 schedules to choose from that's how I do it anyway


schedule-charge.png (48.5 KiB)
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hereandthere avatar image
hereandthere answered ·

Having the same question; tried the schedule but not starting to charge?!

How to sync the SOC with first initial charge when it does not start charging with unknown reasons?

In other words; how to force a full charge cycle when the SOC is still at '--' because no sync has ever taken place?


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