
frankmsc68 avatar image
frankmsc68 asked

Eccess power from pv

Hi everyone,my name is frank,i'm a technician in optics with a good electronics background and this is my first post....

I'm glad this forum exists and as i can see there is for ex Guy Stewart from Victron -hi there-who seems to care about developments and issues in general.A great thanks for all your comments and suggestions,as we can all learn from each other!

I've been slowly pushing up a once small backup system,as we are on a unstable and unreliable grid with voltage spikes up to 260Vac.

After years of hard work,having harvested in the last few years almost 25MW and beeing to 92% off grid i reached to have quite a powerful plant.

My question/request would be: I am interested in moving eccessive pv power to an electric boiler.This is done by relais which are (to a cirtain amount) programable in base of pv/grid,pv powerand timer.Nice would bee additional parameters like soc and so on.

I have a water heater which has got three elements and therefore three indipendent relais are switching these elements to a total of three kilowatt.

Would you please consider something similar to your next firmware,if necessary with the option to obtain an additional relais board?

Best regards from northern Italy,Frank

mppt rs
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1 Answer
frankmsc68 avatar image
frankmsc68 answered ·

Sorry i was refering to the new model Multi RS Solar two mppt's....

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Hi Frank.

All of these are already available with some node red and off the shelf relays like Sonoff and Shelley

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frankmsc68 avatar image frankmsc68 Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Hi Alexandra,yes you're right,it would be however nice to have it intigrated to be able to see it on the statistics,though....I remember sonoff from years ago:i was one of the testing members....very nice work!
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