
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image

Introducing Victron Elexi: Your AI-Powered Community Search Assistant

Hello Victron Modifications Community

Something new to try: Victron Elexi. A peek into a possible future of Victron knowledge discovery.

What is Elexi?

Elexi – or Victron Electronic Lexicon – is an advanced AI chat that is smarter, more interactive, and a lot more fun than the standard community search.


Explore Elexi

Key Features

Trained by the Community - Elexi learns from community questions, answers, product manuals, and data sheets.

Always Evolving - Soon, Elexi will also incorporate insights from our video content. Plus, it updates daily to reflect the latest community discussions and changes.

Mobile-Friendly - For on-the-go queries, add Elexi to your Home Screen on your phone and use it like an app.

Transparency - Critically, Elexi cites the sources for its responses. If you spot any inaccurate information from our community, simply hit "Report Outdated," and we'll try and resolve it.

Using Elexi

Start Fresh Conversations - Use "restart chat" for new topics to keep Elexi focused and avoid confusion.

Help Us Improve - Elexi is in its testing phase, and your feedback is necessary. If there is a mistake with the source content, please use the 'report outdated' feature. If there is an issue with Elexi itself or you have a suggestion, please let me know here.

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