
roger-seibel avatar image
roger-seibel asked

Setting of 'settings/0/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/SocLimit' no longer possible?

I am using ESS mode 'Optimized _with_ Battery Life' and let the Cerbo decide in increasing or decrasing the SocLimit (not the MinimumSocLimit). I am using the newest betas.

But i corrected this values via Node-RED / MQTT in some cases: When there is a high value and the next day(s) will become sunny (via SolarForcast), i reduce to e.g. 10% to get the battery empty for the next day.

Since some weeks (i cannot specify the version exactly), i cannot set this value, more exactly: i can set and query this value via MQTT but with no effect.

The system uses always the value from 'system/0/Control/ActiveSocLimit'. This value is also displayed in the VRM Portal.

When i set 'system/0/Control/ActiveSocLimit', it is shown for a short time an then reset to the previous value eg. 65%, same after reboot of the Cerbo.

To do it the old way, i have to disable battery live, but the combination of the automatic mode with manual corrections was nice to have.

Was there anying changed, perhaps in relation with dynamic ess?

Regards, Roger

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roger-seibel avatar image roger-seibel commented ·

I am really confused now:

With v3.20~30 the values for '/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/SocLimit' and 'system/0/Control/ActiveSocLimit' are the same again, but ONLY via MQTT.

But in the Venus GUI ist shows the somewhere calculated value (80% in the moment) and querying directly with an ESS Node > Venus System > Active SoC Limit shows 80%, too.

The value '80' cannot be found _anywhere_ in the whole _local_ MQTT tree ...

Is this value only calculated int the portal (dynamic ess?) and used from there?


'/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/SocLimit' returns the value as _number_ directly in the payload,

'/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/MinimumSocLimit' returns the value as _object_ in the attribute 'value',

why this different versions?

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2 Answers
Daniel Hillenbrand avatar image
Daniel Hillenbrand answered ·

Connect via SSH and set it this way:

dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/SocLimit SetValue 20

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roger-seibel avatar image roger-seibel commented ·

The way of setting does not change the behaviour of ESS. In both ways i can set the value of e.g 20 and read it back correctly from this register.

But the system does not use it anymore, it now works with another value of 'system/0/Control/ActiveSocLimit'. Earlier this value was set to the same value of the above mentioned '/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/SocLimit'.

But now this calculated value remains, and i am wondering, whether this value is now calulated by the system elsewhere and overrides my manual settings.

After setting my value and an immediate reboot the value of '/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/SocLimit' always falls back to this somwhere else generated (higher) value.

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Daniel Hillenbrand avatar image Daniel Hillenbrand roger-seibel commented ·

I'm running 3.20~17 and there it's working without problems.

Try the following:

1. Enable "Optimized without Batterylife"
2. dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/MinimumSocLimit SetValue 20
3. dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/SocLimit SetValue 20
4. Enable "Optimized with Batterylife"

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roger-seibel avatar image roger-seibel Daniel Hillenbrand commented ·

Thanks for your hint, but I tried that before. After enabling battery life again, the value falls back to this previous (re-)calculated value. I think the change occurred with version 3.20~22.

For the moment I will perhaps keep battery life off and set these values manually.

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elvis avatar image
elvis answered ·

@Roger Seibel

Did you find a solution?

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