VE Conect 3_ not_ok_after Update_Fw to506.pngMultiplus 12/1600/70-16
VE_Connect 3 _settings ok_.png
Hi all,
I've upgraded the firmware on Multiplus over VRM portal from 505 to 506 (Device List -->FW update)
After this I noticed that the Floating Voltage on the dashboard was around 13,4V and kept decreasing until 12v. ....and no charge at all. The total percentage of battery was dropping slowly to 70%.
After few hours I downloaded the config file from the Victron Multiplus via VRM portal and opened with VE Config 3 and on the tab Charger I saw that he two parameters "Float Voltage" and "Absorption Voltage" were both set up at 12V With Charge current at 52A.
I have modified the two parameters "Float Voltage" to 13.8V and "Absorption Voltage" to 14.4V, and after this battery started to charge normaly.
Please advice if what I did was ok and if this update of firmware was supposed to modify this "Float Voltage" and "Absorption Voltage" to 12v both.