Hello! I have what is hopefully a simple question, which I haven't been able to find the answer to thus far.
By subscribing to mqtt.victronenergy.com I am able to get a stream of real-time readings published by a remote CCGX. What happens if that CCGX loses connectivity for some period of time? Would readings be somehow accumulated during that period and then be pushed to mqtt.victronenergy.com when the connection is restored, or are they simply discarded? I suspect it's the latter, though just wanted to confirm.
For our use case it would be preferable if readings are accumulated locally - so that anything that happens during a communications outage can be back-filled when the connection is back up - though I appreciate that since the values published to the broker are not explicitly timestamped, this anyway wouldn't work in the current implementation (and in fact would probably lead to more confusion).
Thanks in advance!