
carlosleon avatar image
carlosleon asked

LOW Battery the inverter will not Start Multiplus 48/5000/70 Lithium Battery 12s 44.4 V

img-1896.jpeg img-1894.jpeg
img-1895.jpegBMSHello everyone,

I have 5 Samsung EV Lithium Ion 44.4v 47ah 2.07Kwh, cell module 12S1P Batteries

I want to use them and charge them with a Victron Multiplus 48/5000/70, but I always get the Low Battery warning as they are below 48V,

I try the VE Configure 3 to program an assistant ESS and set the bulk, float and maximum and minimum Battery voltages but the minimum setting allow is 48V,

Any suggestion?

Thank you

VEConfigure 3
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6 Answers
carlosleon avatar image
carlosleon answered ·

Hello everyone,

I managed to solve the issue, I went and downloaded the last firmware using the Victronconnect app, After restarting the inverter worked,

Full charge batteries is 44.5V(100%), when loads are apply it goes down to 41,2 volt (60%) then the low battery alarm goes off, but the inverter kepts working until it reaches 37,2 v(40%). Then stops compleatly and the aural alarm on my Cerbo Gx goes off.

My problem is that I am not able to use the whole battery capacity, I was told that the Victron Multiplus II 48/5000 could work all the way down to 36V, but reality is different.

I think I will need to talk to the company that sold me the batteries....

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k-k avatar image
k-k answered ·

It's unusual to have only 12 cells in a 48V system. Pylontech with 15 cells often causes problems. Normal is 16 cells. 16 x 2,8V = 44,8V means low cutoff for LiFePO4 (LFP). -- 16 x 3,2V 51,2V normal -- 16 x 3,6V = 57,6V is often used as high-cutoff for charging LFP.

Does a LFP BMS really fit on Li-Ion cells? (You might never reach 4,2V)

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gerard-van-seventer avatar image gerard-van-seventer commented ·

"Pylontech with 15 cells often causes problems. Normal is 16 cells." Nope, 15 cells is more than enough. The MPII 48/5000 (or 3000) has a dc input range of 38–66V. So with 15 cells you could go as low as 2.53 volt. Even 14 cells should be working fine.

12 is indeed not enough to stay at or above 38V

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Have you set the low battery alarm with VE Config?

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carlosleon avatar image carlosleon commented ·
Yes I did, but I was not charging my batteries well enough, now I've learnt how to do it and its working perfectly

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carlosleon avatar image
carlosleon answered ·

I Finally got it!!!, after several videos in Youtube and reading some articles I finally understand.

I bought 5 12s1p Ford PHEV batteries, the are LI-ION type, made by Samsung, with 18650 Cells.

They are rated at 3.7 volts, minimum and maximum voltages 3.1 to 4.2 volts. 47AH each.

The Inverter side of the Multiplus can work as low as 37.4 Volts,

Altough I can set the bulk and Float voltage on the Multipluss

I have to use individual DALY BMS 60A to control and configure each battery as they can't comunicate directly with the multiplus charger.

For testing I had them charge to their full capacity of 50.4Volts ,and discharged them to the minimum operating range of the Multiplus inverter 37.4V, I did get over 10 KW of power out of them, so I was very please.

Afterwards I had set them to maximum and minimum voltages for 80% down 15% SOC. to take care of them.

Today I connected the solar panels to the 150/45 MPPT, I got a disappointing 450W of power on a sunny day in Madrid, sure is winter and I had the solar panels installed in the roof of my motor home with 0º of inclination, but the installation is rated for a maximum out put of 1.2 KW.

Two string of 4 - 150W, 7.5 Amp solar panels in series and then connected in parallel

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k-k avatar image
k-k answered ·

Just bear in mind: in a real greyish winter you will get only 10% out of your panels. Except on very cold and iceclear sunshiny days. And the worst: 10% for maybe 5 to 6 hours a day.

Nice to hear you got familiar with your batterie and now 1 ton more panels on the roof ;-)

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carlosleon avatar image carlosleon commented ·
Thank you!
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carlosleon avatar image
carlosleon answered ·

This my solar installation.

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