Complete nooby here. I have a very basic system with a 410 watt PV panel feeding a MPPT 75/15 feeding two AGM 100 Ah batteries in parallel. From the power out on the MPPT I have a small diesel heater and some USB charging ports. When I bought the MPPT I didn't realise that there are two types so bought a non-bluetooth one. I made a cable and plugged it into a Raspberry pi 4 running the Victron OS. I can read the output on my phone or my PC.
I am now wondering if I should have the batteries in series and running that side as 24 volt system. Would the two output terminals on the MPPT still give out 12 volts for my diesel heater of would that then become 24 volts output?
I think that the PV is oversized for the system so can change back to a 130 watt one in the summer if needed, does that make sense?