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ste7of1 asked

Passthru charge current assistant problem.

I have had the charge current assistant disabling charge current (passthru mode) by putting a switch in the temperature input sense of multiplus3k. My understanding, input is high (5V) by default. My switch enables pulling to ground. This has worked for the last 2 years, enabling and disabling passthrough mode with the flick of the switch. Recently, however, i have been unable to disable passthru. The only way to resolve (enable charging) was to remove the assistant and reload. Wiring is ok. When i originally installed switch, i just tied directly to gnd (through switch). Should I have installed a current limiting resistor in path? Did I cause issue with internal hardware pullup or do I just need to try to reinstall assistant again and try again?


charge current limit
2 |3000

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