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alaskannoob asked

Raspberry Pi between Cerbo Auto-Start relay and Generator...

Unless there is an easier way, I plan to connect a Raspberry Pi to the Cerbo GX Relay #1 and hopefully provide the 5V of power it needs. The intent is:

a) when Cerbo sees battery bank at 40% it will energize the generator auto start relay

b) that relay will then power the Pi

c) the Pi will then boot up, connect to the Cerbo GX over WiFi, and run a MQQT server that will pull current Charge Limit, minimum battery temp, and MPPT current

d) if the Charge Limit - MPPT current is at least 100A, the Pi will then energize a two wire relay to the generator which will start the generator and power an EG4 chargeverter connected to the bus to charge the batteries

e) The PI will continue to monitor and if there is any danger of the Charge Limit being exceeded, it will shut off the generator

f) when the batteries are charged to 50%, the Cerbo will shut off the Relay 1 which will shut down the Pi and the generator

generator auto start
2 |3000

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