If the grid fails would the inverter still feed excess power back into the grid with no grid meter installed? Ess setup with feed excess power back on.
Victron quattro 10000
Color control
Mppt 250/100
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If the grid fails would the inverter still feed excess power back into the grid with no grid meter installed? Ess setup with feed excess power back on.
Victron quattro 10000
Color control
Mppt 250/100
I hope for you it does not feedin if grid fails...(normaly not) and that you installed an anti island like this one https://www.google.com/search?q=victron+anti+islanding+device&safe=off&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjir4Tu6bTjAhVN2KQKHXvzDPAQ_AUoAnoECAwQAg&cshid=1563121648823&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=3#imgrc=TlccLwaSxDyR1M
Before everything.
Because IF he still feeds into the grid, i would NOT like to be the technician working at that cable, that moment...you are pomping current into the cable when he expects thats there is no current on that cable.
And i think if they see it..they will search for it and than you have a BIG problem.
Grtz kristof
P.s. for what i know , if grid fails, the quattro will stop feeding into the grid even without an et112 ( i have a quattro too ;) ) , but i have an anti island system in front of it.
Thank you Grtz Kristof
I would also not like to be an electrician working on the grid when someone is feeding back power. I would rather be safe and install a et112 Energy meter.
I did read about LOM some time back and could not find it again.
@nicoreeves25@gmail.com, easy way to do this (0 feed in) is to connect your GRID to AC IN1 on your quattro.
I use this setup with my generator, as I don't have grid power. Also there is a setting in the inverter's software. But connecting to AC IN 1 is simple and efficient.
Additional resources still need to be added for this topic
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