
victron-fan-8185 avatar image
victron-fan-8185 asked

VRM shows not all 4 batteries (only 3)

the batteries are all connected via dbus-serialbattery on USB2-USB5. All instances are starting normal and are visible in the remote console as on the device list. but not on

- VRM dashboard either in browser nor in the App.

- system setup / Battery measurements

What can I do?

remote consoledashboard display
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10 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Don't know the batteries you are referring to.

If it is correct on the console as in all modules online.

You will see one battery bank on VRM not individuals and the few details that the battery sends to the VRM.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Will move this to mods forum, might be better to pose the question on the thread by the original author. It is completely unsupported.

There is a link to git as well.

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herzigwi avatar image
herzigwi answered ·

Not need to move it. That's not an issue with serialbattery. In general to see more than one battery on VRM, do the following at the remote console

- Settings/System Setup/Battery Measurement: set the batteries you want to see to "Visible". You may also set a Name to be displayed.

This way you will see the values of batteries. VRM will d

Unfortunately Victron only allows one battery Battery Monitor to be set at Settings/System Setup/Battery Monitor. But this is no problem at all if you have only batteries handeld by serialbattery.

To handle multiple batterys connected with serialbattery I recommend aggregatebatteries:
This will aggregate the batteries on a new virtual battery called "AggregateBatteries". Similar to that what Pylontech does with multiple batteries. After aggregatebatteries works well, set Settings/System Setup/Battery Monitor to "AggregateBatteries".

Done! Works very well.

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victron-fan-8185 avatar image victron-fan-8185 commented ·

I don't like aggregatebatteries, i want to see them separately as i already do with the first 3...

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herzigwi avatar image herzigwi victron-fan-8185 commented ·

With aggregatebatteries its just another virtual battery. The others do not vanish. Try it.

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victron-fan-8185 avatar image victron-fan-8185 herzigwi commented ·
Therefore I installed the Victron Shunt, this i my main battery measurement device.

The several packs have their own SOC. That's what I want to see in VRM. It works fine for 3 batteries, why not for 4 or more ?

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herzigwi avatar image herzigwi victron-fan-8185 commented ·

The real advantage of aggregatebatteries ist that it is able to aggregate all information of the BMS and give these to the VenusOS. Like min/max cell voltages, min/max temperatures, ....

It also calculates the CCL and DCL dynamically from all connected BMS.


As the smartshunt is not able to get this information and VenusOS only support only one battery monitor to be selected, aggregatebatteries has advantages compared to just use a smartshunt.

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1698926157545.png (14.7 KiB)
victron-fan-8185 avatar image
victron-fan-8185 answered ·

I add some Screenshots to explain what I mean, it is not a problem of dbus-serialbattery - All 4 batteries are shown in Cerbos device list:


And also the shunt
and here BATT. 4 is missing what is the root cause for not displaying in VRM

in VRM device list also 4 Batteries are shown:

1698867245479.pngbut in the VRM Dashboard not:

1698867288457.pngI can display the Multiplus there but not the 4th battery

I hope, this explaines my problem.
It is not a problem of dbus-serialbattery, all 4 Batteries uses the same Hardware and the same code. in devicelist all four are shown with all details, also seen with dbus-spy.

the problem starts by the second picture, were batt.4 is missing, so it cannot enabled for HTML5 and VRM..

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1698867098692.png (26.1 KiB)
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1698867288457.png (9.3 KiB)
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herzigwi avatar image
herzigwi answered ·

What will you see on Settings/System Setup/Battery Measurement?

Is there Batt4 avalable to select to be visible? Please show the screen.

With the new VenusO I do also see only one of my two battery banks to select.:


There should be another SerialBattery (jbd) but is has vanished.

Fortunately I have already selected the second battery bank to be visible. Thus It is shown.

Looks like an problem with VenusOS v3.12 that one of the banks can not be selected. I have setup my system to automatically install always the latest version:


Maybe I should change that.

1698873866921.png (20.9 KiB)
1698874093078.png (17.7 KiB)
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victron-fan-8185 avatar image victron-fan-8185 commented ·

I am Using v3.11 on my CerboGX:


I also have JK BMS over RS485 an to USB-Converter connected to the CarboGX. All batteries are shown in device list, but the 4th is excluded from battterie management and therefore it cannot be set visible.

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1698901070971.png (22.8 KiB)
herzigwi avatar image
herzigwi answered ·

Could you please post the screen Battery Measurements?

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victron-fan-8185 avatar image
victron-fan-8185 answered ·

I have posted it above (in german: Batteriemessungen) I tried to scroll up and down, but no more entries appear, you see all in the above screenshot. I paste it here again:

You see I have scrolled down, and no more entries appears.
but in DVCC / BMS:

Batt 4 appears.

1698907474728.png (28.5 KiB)
1698907568949.png (21.0 KiB)
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victron-fan-8185 avatar image victron-fan-8185 commented ·

I don't want to forget to mention that in VRM Dashboard extensions all 4 batteries appear an I am able to add charts of SOC or Voltage and current, and they are filled with data:


so the Cerbo sends all Info to victron but on the dashboard batt 4 is missing, but the root cause is, that i cannot enable them due to that they not appear in the appropiate menu.

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1698909034759.png (38.8 KiB)
herzigwi avatar image
herzigwi answered ·

Thanks. Looks like an error with VenusOS 3.11 and 3.12. Hopefully someone from Victron reads this thread.

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victron-fan-8185 avatar image
victron-fan-8185 answered ·

@herzigwi It seems so, today I looked at my CerboGX (v3.11) menu:


and battery 4 appeared (the multiplus has no name here!) and I set it visible:

1699332633271.pngthe 4. battery is visible !! It is idle because I disabled discharge, it should be charged for the first time.

I hope the next (5th) battery will appear in the bottom right or left corner (multiplus moves to right) above.

1699332491760.png (37.0 KiB)
1699332633271.png (12.1 KiB)
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herzigwi avatar image
herzigwi answered ·

Thanks for the information. I have just looked at my VenusOS-Console: My also previously vanished battery (on battery measuments) does now also appear. Without any updates and changes from me.

Very strange:

(a) Is Victron able to change this remotely or

(b) does "time heal all wounds"?


(b) would be nice, but (a) is something I do not understand..........

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victron-fan-8185 avatar image victron-fan-8185 commented ·
I believe in (a):

A change on the vrm website (polled by Cerbo) my cause the "wonder"

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Remote Console on VRM - Troubleshooting