
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack asked

MultiPlus-II does not more charge from Generator

Good day,

I have currently only a simple setup but charging from a Generator trough the MultiPlus-II 24/5000 was never a problem.

Since today it does not more work without any reason.

Unfortunately I can not get into the settings, because I have a hard time to get a new Battery for my HP Pavilon (refuse to work without working battery), which is my ONLY computer where windows is running-

The only thing is that I am on low Battery 20,1V (stable even under 20A load) and if I switch off/on the MultiPlus-II it show only Low Battery which is the reason WHY I want to charge.

If I switch from the APP in "Charger Only" then I see "Initialising..." and here it stop.

Any suggestions what it can be?

Oh, the VictronConnect App and ColorControl GX show the 230V and 50Hz at ACin.

Thanks for your Help

Multiplus-IIlow battery warningno charging with acin
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4 Answers
Al avatar image
Al answered ·

Is 'dynamic current limiter' and / or 'weak AC Input' turned on in Ve.Config? That can help with unstable generators.

Have you tried also lowering the input current level to see if that works?

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Never used it, because all Generators I used where VERY stable.

The last Generator I used in March this year was a SDMO HX6000 (4,8kW) which I had to limit to 16A.

The new Generator has only 2500W continius load and I have limited ACin to 6A and want to increase slowly the current to find the optimal value for this Generator

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Al avatar image
Al answered ·

@Michelle Konzack Well, small generators like those may seem 'stable' but whether they output a clean waveform may be another matter, and the Multi might not like a distorted waveform.

If you have the: MultiPlus-II 24/5000/120-50,the MINIMUM input current limit is 6.2A, not all '2500w' generators will actually do 2500w / 10.8A continuously, hopefully it's a good one, but if not it may have struggled and overheated or worse, and now maybe it isn't working to spec for the multi to accept it?

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Already discovered it 3 hours ago.

It is not the Sinus Wave Form but the fluctuating frequency from 50-58Hz.

With such thing, the MultiPlus-II can not even cope in "Charger only" mode which is VERY disappointing.

I use now my LEAB ABC2450 (1500W) and tried in parallel the smaller LEAB ABC 2430 (900W) and it did not work.

Running the LEAB ABC2450 alone is no problem at all. I can even uae my Invacare 24V/8A (250W) in parallel.

Hence I am charging now with 56-58A perfectly and have a liadvof 1740W on the Generator.

In summery the 2/3 rule apply very well to this Generator with 3500VA, 3000W max and 2500W conrinious, hence

2500 x 2/3 * 0,85% eff = 1420W

Going higher is only on trial and has to chech this individually. However, the manual claim that the fuel consumption is around 0,5l on half load and 1,1l under full load 2500W. This correspond with my fuel meter which show currently 0,72l/h.

However, my last Bensin Genetator "Nutool AG2500" 2500VA 2200W max 2000W continious, had problems coping wirh the LEAB ABC2430 and the Invacare 24V/8A together which was only 1100W on the 230V side. Also the fuel consumption was all the time more or less constant with 1-1,1l/h.

The BS3500 has much lesser fuel consumption (Bensin).

However, tomorrow (when the 20l tank is empty) I will install my Dual Fuel Careburator and run the Generator from Propane which is much cheaper, because I pay only 1,52€/kg and get it also free delivered.

If someone know, where I can get an European adapter to refill 17kg (german connecion and not finish) Propane bottles, please let me know. Would help me also with my forklift truck.

Thankyou and nice Sunday

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Michelle Konzack avatar image Michelle Konzack commented ·
Oh, my future project is to use an Alternator 28V with external regulator (to get 30,6V) from a truck which should be much better and stable then 230V Generators.

But a 280A type would require an engine with at least 14,4kW and should be water cooled to use the excess heat for heating the house.

Maybe the 58kW Diesel engine (no Turbo and Injection, - plain old fashion Diesel Engine) of my Berlingo model 2001 should be repaired (has oil in the cooling system) and used, because it run perfect from used kitchen oil...

...have only to figure out how to run this engine without motor controller.

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