
fwunder avatar image
fwunder asked

VictronConnect Locally Saved Data

OK, I haven't figured it out yet, but should be doable...

It seems the data captured by the VictronConnect App is volatile. All data is stored on the Victron device. If you are out of bluetooth range, you are out of luck and can see nothing. No devices, no history, no nuthin. And the range sucks, even with "Instant Read".

If the data was logged ( at specified interval ) locally, lots of opportunities open up.

The simplest example would be with the VictronConnect App running in background data is captured. Sometime later and out of Bluetooth range I decide I want to see what my latest status was. Instead of a blank screen with "No devices Found" the App would display the latest timestamped data. I might even be able to do some analysis from the comfort of my big leather chair in front of wood stove instead of sitting in the driveway 20 feet from my RV!

I have an older iPhone as many of us do. If the VictronConnect App would allow data to be stored ( and retrieved ) locally, the old iPhone would essentially act as a bridge saving data to an either a locally shared directory or cloud folder. Data could then be retrieved and viewed from remote device. I know it wouldn't be real time, but who really cares? Perhaps I would like a one hour refresh.

I know I could go the Raspberry PI / VE.Direct USB/ VRM route, but that seems much more complicated than simply storing/retrieving captured data in a location of my choosing.

Sorry if this has already been discussed. Seems like it probably has been. I just haven't found it.


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2 Answers
iammotorhomeless avatar image
iammotorhomeless answered ·

@fwunder you got my vote

even on the Pi, GX it would be nice to save historical data, to be downloaded and used later.
a week or a month or three would be nice

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

This is already covered by VRM, needs a GX device and internet connection to the GX.

1 comment
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

fwunder avatar image fwunder commented ·
Yes, I know. Seems to me to be unnecessary hardware and expense to simply download and save data to a local client.
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