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VE.DIRECT cable power on RPI


I got Venus OS running on an RPI4. I am about to receive my VE.Direct cable tomorrow to hookup to my Victron MPPT solar controller and start seeing it there and in VRM. I thought it would be simply plug to USB on RPI and MPPT, but I read on the Venus OS wiki that I need to power this cable on both ends ?

Not sure I understand that USB usually provides the power itself so why do I need to provide separate power to it ?

Thanks in advance

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2 Answers
Rusty's Gaming avatar image
Rusty's Gaming answered ·


If you have the VE Direct to usb interface cable then no need for extra power.

I have 4 connected to my RPI.

The VE DIRECT cable won't work. That's only for the Cerbo gx.


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EDUARDO avatar image
EDUARDO answered ·

Oh so I guess I am confused about the difference between VE.Direct and to USB :) Much appreciate the quick response !. Eduardo

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