
cmiller avatar image
cmiller asked

Fronius AC coupled not showing data in realtime.

I have 4x multiplus-ii 48/3000 120v inverters, Cerbo GX, Smartshunt, with PV AC coupled via Fronius Primo 7.6. This is off-grid 120/240v 60hz in the U.S. I am able to see the Fronius in the console menu, both local and remotely, and also my daily pv production is accurately recorded in VRM. However, I have no pv data in the "home screen" gui locally or through VRM, and also there is nothing available in terms of an individual pv inverter graph in the advanced section of VRM.

For quite a while the Fronius and Cerbo GX were connected only through wifi, but recently I added a network switch and hardwired ethernet connection in hopes of gaining something, but that gave me no changes.

Looking for any thoughts on what to try.

(Also, Fronius is set up in the Victron menu on "AC-out mp" since it is fed through the load side breaker panel. And it is set as "split phase (L1+L2)" and also show is set to "yes".)

AC PV Coupling
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cmiller avatar image cmiller commented ·
@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) any thoughts on this issue? My system works great overall, but it really bugs me not being able to see PV production numbers in realtime on the main gui via cerbo gx, as well as in VRM. Also, I don't have PV forecast available either. I assume it is related to this issue, but not 100% sure. I have been really loving the forecast on a customer's system that I remote monitor, and wish it would work on mine as well! Another thing that happens during pv production is the load numbers in the main gui show zero, but battery is charging. So I can't see my load in realtime either when solar is producing power.
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4 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @cmiller,

There is definitely an issue with the communications between the GX and the Fronius. The GX will 'remember' if it has ever seen the Fronius, so it being the GX menu is not a good indicator that there is a current active connection.

Start again from the beginning of the communications section from the Victron Fronius integration guide - run though it step by step, even if you think it's already done;

Please take screenshots and photos of everything as you go just in case we need to review it.

Hopefully that will resolve the issue, but if not please report back.

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cmiller avatar image cmiller commented ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

The GX menu shows live numbers of the Fronius's current production, which is why I presumed that the connection between GX and Fronius was not an issue. But I will try starting "from scratch" on the GX-Fronius connection and see what happens.

Here is a screenshot of current VRM page:

EDIT* I just noticed this screenshot was taken right before the dryer started**


^^EDIT* I just noticed this screenshot was taken right before the dryer started**^^

And here is a screenshot of current GX menu, accessed via remote console option in VRM:


I believe I forgot to mention originally that I am running @Kevin Windrem's GUIMods, but originally I was not running that, and I had the exact same results.

Here is the home page of the GX GUI:


Note* it looks like the clothes dryer is currently running, hence the AC loads showing 824 watts while the Fronius is producing nearly 5kw.

I'll try to add a screenshot later today when the dryer is not running. That will then show AC Loads to be zero, while battery will show to be charging. (I do have a smartshunt, so that would be coming from the smartshunt's reading.)

@Kevin Windrem Maybe you have some thoughts on this issue?

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cmiller avatar image cmiller commented ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Here is a screenshot without the dryer running:


As you can see, the AC loads show zero, while the battery is charging. The only charging sources available on this install are the Fronius on AC Loads panel, and the generator on AC input.

Current PV production from Fronius:


Also note that all Solar (Fronius) historic production data on the main dashboard in VRM is available and stays current:


But in the advanced view it doesn't show and Fronius data:


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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @cmiller,

When the sun is out and the PV inverter is working, could you please take a screenshot of these two menus on your GX device?

Settings - PV inverters - Inverters - menu


Main Menu - Fronius - Device menu


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cmiller avatar image
cmiller answered ·

Good day @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Here are those screenshots:




Let me know if you would like screenshots of any additional pages.

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Ricardo Chavarria avatar image Ricardo Chavarria commented ·
I've come across information that says it's required to be running SunSpec API (Modbus) instead of the SolarAPI (JSON) one.

I'm in the process of changing this to figure out if I can get proper readings when setting the Phase to Split-phase (L1+L2) in my system.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Ricardo Chavarria

Indeed you are correct.

There was an important fix for Fronius added in a recent VenusOS version - more detail here -

As well as the settings change required to make sure the Fronius is sending SunSpec API here -

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