hatte gestern probleme mit dem defekt eines MK3.Habe dadurch auf VenusOs ver 3.10 geupdatet.
Jetzt wird mein SDM630 der die PV Leistung zählt nicht mehr in der VenusOS oberfläche dargestellt.
in der Geräteliste ist er da .
Die MQTTtoVenus Datei schaut so aus:
(hab mittlerweile etwas daran rumgespielt)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ edit by Jost Mario Changed a lot of a Script originall created by Ralf Zimmermann (mail@ralfzimmermann.de) in 2020. The orginal code and its documentation can be found on: https://github.com/RalfZim/venus.dbus-fronius-smartmeter Used https://github.com/victronenergy/velib_python/blob/master/dbusdummyservice.py as basis for this service. """ """ /data/Pathtothisscript/vedbus.py /data/Pathtothisscript/ve_utils.py python -m ensurepip --upgrade pip install paho-mqtt """ try: import gobject # Python 2.x except: from gi.repository import GLib as gobject # Python 3.x import platform import logging import time import sys import json import os import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt try: import thread # for daemon = True / Python 2.x except: import _thread as thread # for daemon = True / Python 3.x # our own packages sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../ext/velib_python')) from vedbus import VeDbusService path_UpdateIndex = '/UpdateIndex' # MQTT Setup broker_address = "" MQTTNAME = "MQTTtoMeter2" Zaehlersensorpfad = "vonfhem/pv/energie/powercurr" #Zaehlersensorpfad = "vonfhem/pv/energie" # Variblen setzen verbunden = 0 durchlauf = 0 maxcellvoltage = 3.0 powercurr = 0 totalin = 0 totalout = 0 # MQTT Abfragen: def on_disconnect(client, userdata, rc): global verbunden print("Client Got Disconnected") if rc != 0: print('Unexpected MQTT disconnection. Will auto-reconnect') else: print('rc value:' + str(rc)) try: print("Trying to Reconnect") client.connect(broker_address) verbunden = 1 except Exception as e: logging.exception("Fehler beim reconnecten mit Broker") print("Error in Retrying to Connect with Broker") verbunden = 0 print(e) def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): # global verbunden if rc == 0: print("Connected to MQTT Broker!") verbunden = 1 client.subscribe(Zaehlersensorpfad) else: print("Failed to connect, return code %d\n", rc) def on_message(client, userdata, message): try: global powercurr,power_p1, power_p2, power_p3, totalin, totalout power_p2=0 power_p3=0 msg = str(message.payload.decode("utf-8")) print("message received: ", msg) print("message topic: ", message.topic) if message.topic == "vonfhem/pv/energie/powercurr": powercurr = float(msg) if message.topic == "solar/victron/leistung": power_p1 = float(msg) # if message.topic == "NetzPowerPhase2": # power_p2 = float(msg) if message.topic == "vonfhem/pv/energie/NetzPowerPhase2": power_p2 = float(msg) # if message.topic == "vonfhem/pv/energie/powercurr": # power_p2 = float(msg) #if message.topic == "NetzPowerPhase3": # power_p3 = float(msg) else: print("Antwort vom MQTT war Null und wurde ignoriert") except Exception as e: logging.exception("Programm MQTTtoMeter ist abgestuerzt. (on message Funkion)") print(e) print("Im MQTTtoMeter Programm ist etwas beim auslesen der Nachrichten schief gegangen") class DbusDummyService: def __init__(self, servicename, deviceinstance, paths, productname='MQTTMeter2 SDM630V2', connection='MQTT'): self._dbusservice = VeDbusService(servicename) self._paths = paths logging.debug("%s /DeviceInstance = %d" % (servicename, deviceinstance)) # Create the management objects, as specified in the ccgx dbus-api document self._dbusservice.add_path('/Mgmt/ProcessName', __file__) self._dbusservice.add_path('/Mgmt/ProcessVersion', 'Unkown version, and running on Python ' + platform.python_version()) self._dbusservice.add_path('/Mgmt/Connection', connection) # Create the mandatory objects self._dbusservice.add_path('/DeviceInstance', deviceinstance) self._dbusservice.add_path('/ProductId', 0xFFFF) # value used in ac_sensor_bridge.cpp of dbus-cgwacs self._dbusservice.add_path('/ProductName', productname) self._dbusservice.add_path('/FirmwareVersion', 0.1) self._dbusservice.add_path('/HardwareVersion', 0) self._dbusservice.add_path('/Connected', 1) self._dbusservice.add_path('/Position', 1) for path, settings in self._paths.items(): self._dbusservice.add_path( path, settings['initial'], writeable=True, onchangecallback=self._handlechangedvalue) gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._update) # pause 1000ms before the next request def _update(self): self._dbusservice['/Ac/Power'] = powercurr # positive: consumption, negative: feed into grid self._dbusservice['/Ac/L1/Voltage'] = 230 self._dbusservice['/Ac/L2/Voltage'] = 230 self._dbusservice['/Ac/L3/Voltage'] = 230 self._dbusservice['/Ac/L1/Current'] = round(powercurr/3 / 230 ,2) self._dbusservice['/Ac/L2/Current'] = round(powercurr/3 / 230 ,2) self._dbusservice['/Ac/L3/Current'] = round(powercurr/3 / 230 ,2) self._dbusservice['/Ac/L1/Power'] = round(powercurr/1, 2) # self._dbusservice['/Ac/L2/Power'] = round(powercurr/3, 2) self._dbusservice['/Ac/L2/Power'] = 555 # self._dbusservice['/Ac/L3/Power'] = round(powercurr/3, 2) self._dbusservice['/Ac/Energy/Forward'] = totalin logging.info("House Consumption: {:.0f}".format(powercurr)) # increment UpdateIndex - to show that new data is available index = self._dbusservice[path_UpdateIndex] + 1 # increment index if index > 255: # maximum value of the index index = 0 # overflow from 255 to 0 self._dbusservice[path_UpdateIndex] = index return True def _handlechangedvalue(self, path, value): logging.debug("someone else updated %s to %s" % (path, value)) return True # accept the change def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # use .INFO for less logging thread.daemon = True # allow the program to quit from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop # Have a mainloop, so we can send/receive asynchronous calls to and from dbus DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) pvac_output = DbusDummyService( servicename='com.victronenergy.pvinverter', deviceinstance=42, paths={ '/Ac/Power': {'initial': 0}, '/Ac/L1/Voltage': {'initial': 0}, '/Ac/L2/Voltage': {'initial': 0}, '/Ac/L3/Voltage': {'initial': 0}, '/Ac/L1/Current': {'initial': 0}, '/Ac/L2/Current': {'initial': 0}, '/Ac/L3/Current': {'initial': 0}, '/Ac/L1/Power': {'initial': 0}, '/Ac/L2/Power': {'initial': 0}, '/Ac/L3/Power': {'initial': 0}, '/Ac/Energy/Forward': {'initial': 0}, # energy bought from the grid '/Ac/Energy/Reverse': {'initial': 0}, # energy sold to the grid path_UpdateIndex: {'initial': 0}, }) logging.info('Connected to dbus, and switching over to gobject.MainLoop() (= event based)') mainloop = gobject.MainLoop() mainloop.run() # Konfiguration MQTT client = mqtt.Client(MQTTNAME) # create new instance client.on_disconnect = on_disconnect client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message client.connect(broker_address) # connect to broker client.loop_start() if __name__ == "__main__": main()