
mattguy avatar image
mattguy asked

Multiplus 3000 AC relay Cycle Max

Hey folks,

I've hunted around and haven't found a clear answer. I was wondering if anyone knows the amount of times the ac replay can be triggered (closed opened) before failure.

I have ac input control set just where I want it, but this can cause the relay to cycle 10-20 times a day. I don't mind this, but I want to make sure it's not impacting the product longevity.

Thanks for any insights!

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


They can cycle alot. I have a system that connected and disconnects alot due to poor grid quality. Sometimes in 5 to 10 minute cycles.

The one thing that does affect the relay is how much load and heat is there when it is disconnecting and reconnecting. I have seen one faliure but it was on a site where there was blatant abuse and poor workmanship.

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mattguy avatar image mattguy commented ·

I have reconnect to grid on ac loads above 1200watt. I believe the relay is a 50amp so a fraction on this limit. I disconnect from the grid below 800watts

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