Hi guru's....
Have a question regarding BSL factory preset BMS settings......
(Yes I've read both Victron Manuals regarding the configuration of these BSL battery's and found them to contain numerous direct contradictions in charge voltages, CCL and other parameters) So I went with 55.00v as the most frequent manafacturer recommended charge voltage
Please see attached screenshots and let me know if it's not just me, but you also feel these settings look dodgy, and why ?
My quetions are :
1. Shouldn't a voltage warning always PRECEED a voltage protection ?
2. Why is the BMS voltage "Pack Full Charge Voltage" always offset +0.5v when it appears in the CerboGX and Multiplus etc ?
3. Let me know your recommended charge / protect / temperature settings for these battery's ?
4. Has anyone else had real difficulty trying to get these battery's to initially top balance before use, and what parameters did they use ?
Victron Setup >>
I have two(2) of these batteries (B-LFP48-100E 48v / 5.12 kWh Batteries - via CAN-Bus) in parallel feeding a Multiplus II 48v 8K/110 230v (via VE.Bus) - DC-Coupled 14x Kookuburra 415w Panels (5.81 kW – 7S2P) with MPPT RS 450/100 Tr (via VE.Direct) using a Cerbo GX.