
snowking avatar image
snowking asked

isolated Dc to Dc Charger 12 -12 18amp outboard AGM starting battery to Lithium house battery.

On my new boat that's ordered. I planning to have a mercury 300 outboard 115 amp alternator and a 15 hp efi kicker motor 12 amp max output. Hooked up to a agm Starter battery. Then have the dc to dc charger go from the AGM starting battery to the house battery. I do not want the charger to turn on when the kicker is running. Just not enough amp output. So I think I can use a separate wire from the ignition. One that only has power with main motor key on. To the L pin on the charger. So that the charger will not turn on when the kicker is running. Maybe even put a switch at the dash on that wire. So the charger will not turn on at all. When I am going on short trips.

orion dc-dc
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
What's the question?
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Mike Dorsett avatar image Mike Dorsett commented ·
a standard ACR would allow this function, without imposing the charge current limit of a dc / dc converter. Some models have a "start-isolate" input that can be used to disable the relay when the small motor is running. However, if the small motor has enough dc output to raise the start battery above 13.4V, then there is no reason not to also charge the house battery. The current will be limited due to the source impedance of the smaller alternator.
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2 Answers
snowking avatar image
snowking answered ·

The little 15 hp outboard uses a stator. Not an alternator. When going trolling speeds. It might be putting out 4 to 6 amps. So having a dc to dc charger on besides. We be a little tough on the stator. Maybe it would be fine. Maybe not. I am trying to keep the lithium isolated from the main outboard Agm battery. The autopilot and electric downriggers. Will be hooked to the starting battery. The 15 hp will keep the starter battery charged up with those loads. Only reason I need the dc to dc charger. If it is a really long day. Or a multiple day trip. Where I do not have to have access to plug in power. To charge up the house with main motor running. For the graphs and other electric loads. The ionics 125 lithium I am using as a house. Is not Even rated for high enough starting amps. For the 300 hp outboard. If I wanted to go to all lithiums. I thought the dc to dc charger had the h and L pins removable loop. That you could either put A switch on. Or hook it to your starting on off key. So the charger would not turn on. If you did not want it to. If you leave the loop connected. One of the pins puts out a charge. To keep the charger functioning. If you remove the jumper it will not turn on. Since when walleye fishing. You tend to be going back and forth. From the main motor to the small kicker motor. It would be nice to have an automatic charger on when big motor running. Instead of a manual switch between the H and L pins.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Connect orion input to the big starter battery.

You have a couple of options. Use engine detect with HL pins connected. Or if there is one, use a switched feed from the big engine waiting to the H pin. For details, see the Orion manual.

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