I have an MPPT 100|50 charge controller which has suddenly stopped working. This morning it simply never supplied power. The PV voltage reads ~22 volts, as usual, in direct sun. The battery reads 13.13, right on target. Using a multimeter confirms both. Nothing else seems off. No settings have changed recently. No updates have recently occurred, and I'm on the latest version as of the time of writing. I can't remember the last time it updated, probably at least two weeks ago. Yesterday's history looks perfect within the charge controller's trends tab, as all days before.
I've cycled the power by disconnecting the panels, then the battery, waiting ~5 minutes, then connecting the batteries, then the panels. No change.
When all connected, the blue bulk light reads on for ~3 seconds, then it blinks off briefly, then back on for the 3, etc.
I love this product and rely on it. Currently I'm in a bit of trouble without it.
What's going on here? How can I fix this?
EDIT: I'm seeing that it's incorrectly reporting a temperature of -18°C, could this be what's wrong? Is it refusing to charge because of that?
UPDATE: Yes, that was it! I don't know what changed, but somehow it started getting a temperature read. In the trends tab, that seems to have only started being reported today. I have no idea why that started. And it's wildly inaccurate - it's about 60°F outside and inside and in all compartments.
I turned off the setting which disables charge at low temps, and sure enough, the power is back. Woohoo!