
sunshinepower avatar image
sunshinepower asked

Adding a Fronius to 2 Phase off grid split system. Without wifi. Can someone please advise, Thanks.

I don't know if there is something wrong with my questions or it is outside the knowledge of advise here but if someone could give some advise would be greatly appreciated. My questions seem to have gone missing in the modifications section, this area maybe more relevant. Thanks.

I have a 2 phase split system 2x10kw Quattro's with Cerbo GX, batteries and solar off grid system. On one phase I have another solar array that is not being used. (connected/wired to the out line of one of the Quattros). I want to incorporate that unused solar power (5kw) into the system by using a Fronius inverter, to help charge the batteries and provide more power to the line that it is on.

(have not purchased inverter just yet, waiting to make sure all will work well together).

I have no wifi, I can run a data line between Fronius and CerboGX if needed or preferred.
I know the inverter needs the extra pv inverter assistant added, for phase shift.

Question 1 - Does there need to be a direct data link between the Fronius and CerboGX or inverter, would it be better for control and or information to Cerbo GX, or inverter?
Question 2 - How is it best, and what connection are used to convey data between the Fronius and Cerbo GX, or inverter without wifi, is it just plug and run or can it be problematic.
Question 3 - Does the PV inverter assistant only get added to the Quattro that the Fronius inverter line is on and does it matter if the Quattro is the master or slave?
Question 4 - Is Fronius still the best and preferred inverter to use with Victron systems, which Fronius is best for the job. I'm in Australia, I believe the Fronius Primos are no longer made or available here and a Fronius Gen24 Primo 5kw would be the best to use.

Thank you for your help.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

To avoid unnecessary clutter of the Community, please avoid asking duplicate questions; I've closed this question, and will refer you back to your original question here, which has been answered (though I can't say if the answer is correct).

The Community is a great resource for general knowledge and information, but when in doubt please consult an experienced systems installer who's familiar with the components and jurisdictional requirements of your area!

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sunshinepower avatar image sunshinepower Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

Greatly appreciated to all the help.

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