
jameshowison avatar image
jameshowison asked

Ways to load veconfigure configuraiton

I think there are only two ways to work with settings that require veconfigure:

1. veconfigure running on windows, via Mk3 usb

2. remote veconfigure via VRM and Cerbo device (but this still requires a windows box to create the veconfigure files to upload?)

Anyone know of any others? For example can something running on VenusOS create the veconfigure files and send them to the Multiplus II?

Could anyone share insight into why it's like this? I have trouble understanding why some stuff is open source awesomeness (VenusOS!) and some stuff is windows-only (and seemingly ancient).

VEConfigure 3
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6 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

If you asked a Mandalorian, they would say This is the way.. :)

The plan as been to move the functionality out of veconfigure into victron connect or VRM, a lot of that has happened, the RS line can be done solely via VC app, the sticking point is still assistants.

It is a legacy thing. I don't know if we will ever see veconfigure retired for multis, quattros etc.

As a mac user I would prefer something linuxy as well, but this is the way.

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

I know that I can adjust the settings on my Multiplus using my Android phone and Victron Connect app but still need the USB to Mk3 cable between the phone and the Multiplus. However, I believe that this is limited to single Multiplus installations, not parallel or multi phase.

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

Parallel and multi-phase configuration has been integrated into VictronConnect too for a couple of years now. The current limitation is 3 units (so 3-phase, or 3 stacked) for configuration through VictronConnect, although larger systems with more units can be adjusted - just not the initial setup.

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rickc avatar image
rickc answered ·

I keep a 13 year old Windows XP laptop in the house for two reasons (for my Victron ESS):

  • Victron VEConfigure3 (Very 1990s interface, but at least it allows reliable and complete configuration of every setting for my Quattros)
  • BMS Tools for CANBus battery stack (very iffy Windows SW with Chinese fonts)

Fortunately, it only gets powered up a few times a year to adjust assistants, or upgrade Quattro firmware (but only if really necessary). I don’t see the situation changing, reliability would be really expensive for Victron to invest in with replacement software that would perform the same functions. But from a new customer perspective, the feeling is generally “You’ve got to be joking”.

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sharpener avatar image sharpener commented ·

I found last December that VRM suddenly stopped working with the browser I had on my XP SP3 laptop kept for similar reasons. There was no explanation forthcoming on here, do you have a workaround for that?

I have got the last supported version of Firefox on it and I tried Otter but wasn't able to find anything that would run under XP and support VRM.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ sharpener commented ·
Those browsers and their limited capabilities do not meet the requirements of vrm. It is so far off the test matrix you may as well try telnet. Windows 7 is also deceased so XP is a no-hoper unfortunately.
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jameshowison avatar image
jameshowison answered ·

Thanks all. I will look after my 15 year old eeePC carefully then! As carefully as a tiny yoda in a floating shell :)

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snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Really? I run VEConfig on Windows boxes from a few months old to a decade old. How is this a bad thing?

Do you people have something against something simply because it works?

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rickc avatar image
rickc answered ·

I’m perfectly happy with VEConfig, as I said above, it does everything I need.

The bad thing is that I’ve got 5 or 6 linux PCs, lots of Macs, and nothing running Windows.

And if my 13-year old XP laptop dies, I’ll have to pay for windows? not a chance, even in a VM

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shockbroker avatar image shockbroker commented ·

Under linux I've used wine for veconfigure 3. Just setup the com port correctly in .wine/dosdevices.

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