Hello, I have a few question in relation to "DESS" if someone can shed some light in:
- When the system is not pulling from the grid (i.e. peak tariff, and assuming you have battery charge). Will the relays to the grid connection turn 'open' to prevent minor grid pulls? If not maybe VE team can add this a feature to prevent the peak tariffs for being charged to customers.
- Will it be possible to add a feature to say on a particular day of the week ensure there is x% SOC - i.e this could be useful if you charge a car on set day, or expect higher loads on a day from laundry or similar.
- Do you need to remove ESS schedules already configured to prevent ESS and DESS fighting each other?
- Will there be options to use excess PV/Wind power when exporting is not allowed e.g car charging, hot water relay etc -> node red trigger.
- This question is hard to phase: DESS will charge the batteries based on a certain amount of past data and input energy for solar; however does it aim to provide 100% charge capacity or does it try and keep SOC% at a particular level or a maximum charge limit SOC.
- Just trying to explain this more, I charge my batteries overnight to 50% on winter days, that will give me enough power for the day.
- During the summer I charge to a maximum of 20% because I know the sun will provide me with 100% at the end of the day.