
rossmuller1 avatar image
rossmuller1 asked

Huawei AC Couple?

Has anyone successfully AC Coupled Huawei? Specifically the 20kW TL Unit. I have heard from my supplier that the Huawei can frequency shift but i have never heard or seen a system that is actually working?

AC PV Coupling
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4 Answers
hanno-bisschoff avatar image
hanno-bisschoff answered ·

Limiting grid feedback (with grid ON or in an Island mode) is possible. Please see the attached documents I have set up to make this easier. The Huawei inverter is a very nice inverter at a good price point. I suspect installations like this will become more popular especially in South Africa where our national grid is failing.Huawei - Victron AC Coupling.pdfHuawei Victron AC Coupling Settings.pdf20230217-141150.jpg

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @rossmuller1

That should probably work, assuming you are allowed to feed-in to grid? or is this for an off-grid system?

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rossmuller1 avatar image
rossmuller1 answered ·

Thank you @Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff). It will be for selfconsumption. The design has been done so that the Grid Tie will not ever produce more than what is required but still if there is a power outage that the solar is still able to work.

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Hi @rossmuller1

zero feed-in while connected to grid is only possible with Fronius inverters.

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robertri avatar image
robertri answered ·

WOuld be nice when it becomes integrated since Fronius had delivery issues all installers here swapped tu huawei inverters

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