
doubh avatar image
doubh asked

Multiplus II Upgrade from 1 Phase to 3 Phase System

I have an existing AC single phase system with one Multiplus-II 48/3000.

The plan is to upgrade the ESS system to a 3 AC phase system by installing two more Multiplus-II inverters.

Is it possible to use Multiplus-II devices of different power classes, ie.

  • 1x existing Multiplus-II 48/3000
  • 2x new Multiplus-II 48/5000

or is it mandatory to have 3x the same Multiplus-II 48/5000 or 3x Multiplus-II 48/3000?

Thanks in advance

Multiplus-IImulti phase
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

You have to use the same devices. Search for the PN ( partnumber ) on the Label. It has to be the same on all three devices. There are different types of MP2 inverters out there ( different types of MP2/3000 ).

2 |3000

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