
gordonsetter avatar image
gordonsetter asked

AC IN to AC1OUT with battery off

I have a Multiplus 2 48/5000-70 with Pylontech US 5000 batteries. What happens when batteries are switched off with the grid still ON. Does the grid at AC IN still get switched to AC1 OUT or does the Multiplus switch off? Or does something else happen?

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2 Answers
victech-power avatar image
victech-power answered ·

That fully depends on your setup.
How is your Cerbo powered for instance and what is its configuration ?
If you turn of you batteries .. will you shutdown your Cerbo ?
The Multi's stop inverting if the batteries are gone ( unless there is LOTS of solar ).

If you charge from solar to DC.. you could be in a position where your Cerbo stays live.

In my situation and my clients, we "add US5000's" during high sun when there is enough DC coming from Solar Chargers keeping the Cerbo up enabling us to shut the US5000 pile off.

If I am not mistaken ( although the system is not designed for it to run without Batteries ) your Multi's go in "pass through" mode but again depends also how you read your power consumption. Via gridmeter ? Or via the Multi's. If you loose Power Metering you also will go in to "Pass Through".

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gordonsetter avatar image
gordonsetter answered ·

Thanks for this. I have a dc coupled system so, as you say, as long as there is sun the Cerbo will be powered. I was just trying to understand what might happen to my house supply should I lose battery power due to, say, a fuse blowing.

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