I've already have had some discussions with Kevin Windrem and for now no positive output ! here topic's link => https://community.victronenergy.com/answers/232634/view.html
The symptom is :
If I manually start the genset, I not able to power it off in the same way!
Switching from OS version 3.10 back to 3.01 it works!
Turning back to 3.10 no way to get the relay switch off and so stop the generator but going in setting and set up it as manual...
So, I'm disappointed and would like to understand if someone already encounter this trouble.
Other function with the genset work fine. i.e.: with the periodic run test, the system is powering on and off the Genset as it is programmed.
fine. i.e.: with the period test run, the system is powering on and off the Genset as it is programmed.