
ivica avatar image
ivica asked

Two MultiPlus Compact in power assist


Is this configuration OK (Paralela-Layout1.pdf), and how I can set ac input current limit for power assist via PLC?

Thanks for your support!


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It is not possible to configure or connect two different model MultiPlus' together in parallel (or any phase configurations)

If you have a Venus device (CCGX, VenusGX or RaspberryPi) then you can set the Active Input Current Limit from a PLC over MODBUS-TCP

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ivica avatar image ivica commented ·

Thanks for answer.

Please, can you see above drawing in pdf. It is not parallel configuration. Generator is on AC input of Multiplus 1600VA and AC output of this Multiplus is on AC input of Multiplus 800VA. Both Multiplus' can run in single, passthru and assist mode. I can set AC input current limit for both Multiplus' and on this way power of each source. Is it possible?

I have these three sources for micro island grid. I need PLC control (on/off/set power of each source). If you have better idea, please write.

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