
swinkels avatar image
swinkels asked

How to connect a MPII 48/5000 to the grid single phase

I have a single phase connection with 230v/16A breakers. How could I connect a MPII 48/5000 to this? What I figure is that the input can be on a single breaker, the max input is below 3680 watts right?

But how do I connect the output? That can in total be more than 3680 watts, when I connect this to a single breaker, the breaker would trip? Is it possible to connect the output to multiple wall outlets?

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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

You can configure the mains input of the Multi to limit at 16A, that's no problem. On the output side, the breakers will only trip if you draw more than 3000W. Wiring to a unit this size should be done by a qualified electrician - not by plugging in to wall outlets.

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