
cstah avatar image
cstah asked

MultiPlus 500 VA - 1600 VA preferred energy source and max AC out power

Hi! I was wondering about a use case I have in mind and if the max AC out power is high enough when both the DC battery and AC input are connected. I understand that you can limit the current on the AC input, e.g. 6A, and have the output "supplemented" by the DC-AC inverter if the drawn output power requires more than 6A.

My intended use case is the reverse situation. Let's say I have the MultiPlus 12/800/35 and I want it to use the battery to power my appliances that normally require < 600 W.

Q1: Is it possible to setup the inverter to prefer the battery as energy source rather than the AC input?

Q2: If I were to connect a 2000W consumer, can the AC input cover the remaining gap of 1200W over a longer period of time or would this damage the inverter?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

1 there's a setting in the multiplus to ignore AC input. You'll need a GX device for this.

2 partial answer. I'm not sure if it will handle the current, I think it will, but be aware that 800VA is about 640W depending on the type of load. Also you need to factor in startup current, which may be much higher than continuous.

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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

1) use a Mk3 interface to set "ignore ac input" in the virtual switch tab - this needs the VE configure program.

2) would not this. there is also a setting in the VE configure - current boost ratio, but I'venot been able to find any definitive documentation about this, and comes with an expert user warning.

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