
Thomas avatar image
Thomas asked

VDE-AR-E 2510-2 compliance of Multiplus II ?

Hello guys from Victron,

VDE-AR-E 2510-2 defines in chapter 6.410 and 6.430.101 protection mechanisms if an ESS system is running in islanding mode (e.g. Multiplus II ESS with loads connected to ACout1, powered by the battery during a grid failure).

Does the Multiplus II meet these requirements? In case of yes, is a compliance declaration available?

Additionally the appendix A of VDE-AR-E 2510-2 requires specific data documentation. Is this available for the Multiplus II? A good example you will find here:

Many German “Verteilnetzbetreiber (VNB)” (Distribution System Operators) are asking for this compliance declaration and documentation. A Multiplus ESS will not be registered for island operation by the VNB if the compliance declaration and documentation ist not available.

Kind regards

Multiplus-IIisland modestandards
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4 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Nachdem hunderte von MultiPlus-2 in Deutschland installiert sind, kannste davon ausgehen, das er Seziert ist.

Schau mal in die Download section auf drt Victron Webseite nach.

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wirehead avatar image
wirehead answered ·

Genau da ist in keine Zertifikat die Konformität mit der VDE-AR-E 2510-2 erwänt.

Damit zumindest mal als öffentlich zugängliches Dokument nicht vorhanden.

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Thomas avatar image
Thomas answered ·

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Hello Guy Stewart,
could you please support me in getting an answer to my question?
Kind regards

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matthias-meyer avatar image
matthias-meyer answered ·

I have the same difficulties registering with the VNB. Without VDE-AR-E 2510-2 this won't work.

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