After at least two years of trouble free operation, CCGX stopped logging with all other functions and internet connected/monitored devices accessible. Ethernet port "froze" and required an actual power cycle to restore ethernet function.
CCGX has logged data flawlessly since installation with very occasional reboots for system changes, firmware updates, etc.
Recently, CCGX stopped logging data. All other internet connected devices (cameras, Batrium BMS computer, wifi smart AC plugs) were all accessible.
Individual on-site confirmed CCGX was "working" via the key pad. Initiated a "Reboot?" There was no change to the logging, but all other functions appeared to be working.
Changes made to the Batrium BMS were clearly being communicated to the CCGX and altering system function as intended, i.e., if I increased the charge voltage in the Batrium, I would see the shunt start taking in more power and the battery voltage increase. When I returned it to the prior setting, the battery voltage dropped to that setting.
About 4 weeks after losing contact, I was able to get on-site, I noted the ethernet port on the router to which the CCGX was not lit or blinking. The amber and green LED on the CCGX port were both lit and sold. Unplugging/plugging in the cable made no changes to either end - solids on the CCGX and no lights on the router.
Power cycle of CCGX restored the ethernet connection, lit the connected port on the router and data stored on the MicroSD card was uploaded.
I experienced this on PCs 10+ years ago where a full power shutdown was required to completely reset a "frozen" ethernet interface that refused to connect even after a reboot. Had to disconnect power from the ATX power supply and discharge the capacitors to completely cut power to the ethernet interface before it would start working again.
Didn't expect that on a CCGX.