
kamiz avatar image
kamiz asked

No Connection to Victron GX - is it brick now?


I encountered an issue while attempting to modify my external USB disk on the Cerbo GX operating system. After making the changes and rebooting the system, I lost all internet connectivity. This includes Ethernet (which was my primary connection), WLAN, and AP. Although I can still connect a keyboard and screen to the device and communicate with my Multi II units (I have 6 of them, with 2 on each phase), internet connectivity remains unavailable.

I tried reverting to the previous version of the operating system, as I was initially using a beta version. Despite switching to the last released version (and even going back to the beta version for testing), the issue persists. The Ethernet lights are blinking, so I'm fairly certain this is a software issue with the GX system. Unfortunately, I cannot connect via SSH due to the absence of TCP.

Is there anything I can do to resolve this? I would even like to extract a system backup if possible, although that may also be unfeasible. I have a significant amount of Node-RED code on the system that I forgot to back up today (my last backup is from 5 days ago).

Is there any alternative solution besides purchasing a new unit? It's frustrating that reverting to older firmware versions hasn't resolved the Ethernet connectivity issue.

Thank you for your assistance.

cerbo gxethernet
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8 Answers
kamiz avatar image
kamiz answered ·

Is this a problem that could potentially be fixed via a direct serial connection to the box? Can I even use serial connection to backup my files?

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

Silly question have you tried factory rest via the pin hole rest button? I find something just don’t rest with the pin hole rest so I sometimes unplug the device and then with the rest switch pressed in plug the device back in.

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kamiz avatar image kamiz commented ·

Are you sure?


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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You can reflash it via usb/sd card. If you search here for gx reset to factory defaults, you should find the procedure.

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kamiz avatar image
kamiz answered ·

Thank you for your response. However, my original question was about the possibility of backing up the system in some way. I've already attempted firmware updates twice, which essentially performs the same function as USB flashing. I've noticed that others have reported that flashing does not resolve issues with boot settings.

It seems that the problem is not with the regular system settings, but rather with the boot settings. I didn't make any changes other than cleaning my disk, but it appears that I may have inadvertently altered the boot settings. How would a factory reset or USB flashing help in this specific situation? Because, as far as I understand, if the booting flow is somehow broken, these procedures wouldn't change that, correct?

Additionally, I'd like to ask if there's a way to save my files before performing a factory reset, as I understand this would erase my data folder and result in data loss. Is that correct?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Yes, in some cases if the root files are messed up it can be bricked.

Directory for flows is (if you can get onto it....)

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kamiz avatar image kamiz Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Thank you for the information. I'm aware of the directory for Node-RED flows; I've been coding in that folder for the past week. I didn't expect any system disruptions while partitioning my external disk, so I forgot to export my Node-RED flows before rebooting. That was actually part of my plan as a precaution, but it slipped my mind before I executed the reboot.

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

I encountered an issue while attempting to modify my external USB disk on the Cerbo GX operating system. After making the changes and rebooting the system, I lost all internet connectivity.

Did you mess with Cerbo's filesystem? What changes?

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kamiz avatar image kamiz commented ·

Thank you for your response. I'm not entirely certain if the issue arose due to bad timing or not, but here's what I did: I was planning to use an external hard disk with Cerbo GX and decided to clean it up. To ensure I was only modifying my external disk, I first listed all the partitions to identify them. I then deleted the old partitions and created one large new one. After rebooting, I found that I had lost all network connectivity.

To further clarify, I double-checked that all the partitions I modified were labeled as sda1, sda2, and sda3, and confirmed that they were all located on my external disk. Cerbo GX should not have been using any of these partitions, yet I still lost internet connectivity after the reboot.

It's possible that this issue is unrelated to the changes I made to my external disk, but I can't say for certain.

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kamiz avatar image
kamiz answered ·

Does anyone know if there's a way to access my data folder via a serial connection or some other method? I'm particularly interested in copying my Node-RED script from the disk before attempting a factory reset, as I'm still not convinced that a reset would resolve the issue.

It's unfortunate that the control UI doesn't include a terminal connection feature. With such an option, I could easily resolve my issue. The system functions properly in all other aspects, but the lack of network connectivity prevents me from using SSH to run any manual commands.

Given that the system isn't saved on any removable disk like an SD card, mounting it on another Linux system might be challenging? Is there still a way to access the file system?

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kamiz avatar image
kamiz answered ·

An idea just occurred to me: Is it possible to initiate a system backup from the Remote Console to an external disk? The Remote Console is functioning perfectly, but it's limited to the available menu options. If there's a way to trigger a backup to capture my important files, that would be ideal. I'm open to any new ideas, especially since my options are limited to what's available through the Remote Console.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

If LAN and Wi-Fi does not work, then how you use Remote Console?

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kamiz avatar image kamiz seb71 commented ·

With keyboard and screen. Remember that system works 100% sure except no network interfaces out...

I tried that 'experimented' backup feature, but it just takes logs and settings - why it not copy data folder - args...

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seb71 avatar image seb71 kamiz commented ·
Ah, that's just display attached to Cerbo, using its HDMI port. Not the Remote Console.

After you booted into the backup firmware, are you still a Superuser (access level)?

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kamiz avatar image kamiz seb71 commented ·

Nope - it trop everytime when I change version as it should. But naturally I took it back every time. It just not help because no ssh to device.

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kamiz avatar image
kamiz answered ·

that costs €350, it's frustrating that it can become completely unusable with no straightforward way to reflash it externally if things go awry. A fundamental feature should be the ability to load special firmware that can wipe the system while preserving data, or at the very least, a feature to back up your data folder.

Compared to the Raspberry Pi, which allows you to easily swap out the SD card, the Cerbo GX seems less user-friendly and secure. I invested a month coding my own electrical price optimization solution on Node-RED, which performs much better than Victron's own Dynamic ESS. Because the project grew in complexity, I needed more storage space, which led me to try using an external disk. Unfortunately, what should have been a simple clean operation—possibly executed incorrectly on my part—resulted in losing all the work I've done, as I can no longer connect to the device.

It's my fault for not taking a backup just before starting, but mistakes happen. The system didn't support automatic backups for Node-RED due to an outdated Node version, so I couldn't even use Git integration for backups. All in all, this has been a rather disappointing experience.

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jeroen avatar image jeroen ♦ commented ·

see if you only did minor stupid things it is easy to get access, see "Serial Console on Cerbo GX" so you can fix whatever you did wrong and restore your files.

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kamiz avatar image kamiz jeroen ♦ commented ·

Thanks that was part of my question - I already reseted it lost all files so moved now to raspi - node red is much faster and backups are easy to automize…

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