
jasontalley avatar image
jasontalley asked

MPPT remote monitoring

I have several SmartSolar MPPT 75/15's deployed. These locations have access to the internet via wifi and ethernet. I would love to be able to monitor these remotely without investing the extra cost of the LoRaWAN modules. The product page says " If your installation is connected to the internet Victron Remote Management Portal (VRM) provides access to the full power of your MPPT, anytime, anywhere;" But I can't find any documentation on this feature. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

MPPT ControllersVRM
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Access to VRM requires a LoRaWAN Module, or more commonly a Venus-device.

Some documentation is here -

It is possible to use very low cost raspberry pi units - but this is unsupported and requires you to do some of your own research. Others users here who have experience may be able to help.

Raspberry Pi's are not recommended for use in customers systems.

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dhi avatar image dhi commented ·

Does the data output have to be processed via VRM? I am looking to have the data output to my DAS as opposed to VRM in an effort to streamline my data collection. Are there any data sheets that describe the data signals?

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furyjk98 avatar image
furyjk98 answered ·

I am currently using my old Android 7 phone near the MPPTs and Airdroid to stream it to my PC or directly to my Android phone.

You can also set up an old Windows laptop/desktop near the site, and make some DIY VE.Direct cables, and connect them all to the USB hub. Then you can use the Victron Connect app for Windows and monitor them all at once on a big screen and stream it via Chrome Remote Desktop, Anydesk, Teamviewer to your phone or a PC.

If you are looking for a Remote VRM solution, then you can try the Raspberry Pi method which is available on the internet.

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